
Social Development Indicator report stated that up to 94 indicators are reported for each country including: ◦ size, growth, and structure of population; determinants of population growth (including data on fertility and infant mortality); labor force; education and illiteracy; natural resources; income and poverty; expenditure on food, housing, fuel and power, transport and communication; and investment in medical care and education. ◦ Each of these indicators is broken into several subcategories. Chapters of Category Agenda 21 Chapter 33: Financial resources and mechanisms Chapter 34: Transfer of technology Driving Force Indicators State Indicators Response Indicators o Total ODA o Environment protection given or received expenditure as% of GDP o as percentage of Environment taxes and GDP (%) subsidies as% of government revenue o Amount of new or additional funding for sustainable development given/received since 1992 (US$) o Programme of integrated environment and economic accounting (yes/no).


Category Chapters of Agenda 21 Driving Force Indicators State Indicators Response Indicators CG Chapter 7 (3): Human o Rate of growth of urban settlements (including population (%) o Motor traffic and transport) vehicles in use (no) o Number of megacities (10 mill. Or more) o% of population in urban areas o Expenditure on lowo Area and population of marginal cost housing (US$) o settlements (km², no) o Expenditure on public Cost/number of injuries and transportation (US$) o fatalities related to natural Infrastructure diasters 4 o Floor area per person expenditures per capita (m²) o% of population with (US$) sanitary services. Category Chapters of Agenda 21 Driving Force Indicators Institutional Chapter 35: Science Chapter 37: Capacity-building Chapter 8, 39, 40: Decision-making structures State Indicators Response Indicators o Mandated EIA (yes/no) o o Ratification of Programmes for national international environmental statistics agreements and indicators for related to sustainable development sustainable (yes/no) o Sustainable development (no) development strategies (yes/no) o National councils for sustainable development (yes/no) o Main telephone lines per 100 inhabitants (no). Category Chapters of Agenda 21 Other natural Chapter 11: resources Combatting deforestation (7) Driving Force Indicators State Indicators Response Indicators o Deforestation rate o Change in biomass (%) o Reforestation (km²/annum) o Annual o Timber stocks (m³) o rate (km²/annum) roundwood production (m³) area (km²) Chapter 15: Conservation of o Rate of extinction of protected species (%) biological diversity o Threatened, extinct species (no) o Protected area as% of total land area Chapter 16: Biotechnology.

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KAMI INDONESIA. Sesungguhnya semangat nasionalisme itu masih ada! Mungkin saja semangat ini dikikis oleh faktor globalisasi, ekonomi, budaya asing, dan lain sebagainya, tetapi tidak bisa menguburkan seluruhnya.

Semangat nasionalisme ini hanya tertidur pulas karena tidak menemukan lagi panggung kepentingannya di hati bangsa Indonesia. Setidaknya rasanya seperti itu. Terbukti Pemilu 2014 kemarin dengan mudahnya sebagian dari kita membenci saudaranya karena perbedaan pendapatnya. Karena kepedulian inilah dan juga terhadap masalah2 lainnya yg berhubungan dengan ketidakadilan terhadap golongan-golongan minoritas tertentu, kami tergerak untuk membangunkannya kembali: rasa nasionalisme! Mengingatkan bahwa menjadi bagian dari bangsa ini adalah takdir yang membanggakan! Kami Indonesia, bagaimana dengan anda?

Yosi:: Martin:: Tommy Babap:: Intan:: Claude:: Almanzo:: Nadia:: Tanta:: Lukas:: Kikan:: Dini:: Cenut:: Wanda:: Ronald:: Renti:: Gerry:: Irna:: Melanie Subono:: Tora:: Tika:: Echa:: Gambles:: Nyong:: Gatot:: Tamara Geraldine:: Kirana:: Dhara:: Sicil:: Renata Saudaraku. Saya Indonesia Bukan karena pilihanku, Tapi itu takdirku. Dubovik visha matematika.