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Armirovanie Monolitnoj Kolonni Chertezh

Konstantin Razumov Russian impressionist Born in 1974, he was a pupil at Ilya Glazounov's Academy, where he specialised in History painting and achieved a great success. A young and talented artist, he has painted all kinds of subjects, from nudes to landscapes.

His bright colours, the smoothness of the skin in his nudes, the expressive features of his characters, distinguish his paintings. Razumov has a vibrant shimmering brushstroke plus a mastery of light and excellent draftmanship. Faithful to early Impressionism, he nonetheless adds some modern touches which are most obvious in his beautiful charming nudes, soft and sensuous. Razumov is at his graceful best when his subjects are young ladies. He has always been our tip to attain greatness and is a very fine young artist. - Konstantin Razumov.