SGM 2.2 English all-in-one file - SIGEROUS (SGM) mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Death_SpecteR-9 Jan 17 2014. Lol Reply Good karma Bad karma +3 votes. Miston Apr 17 2016. When looking at the other people of the videos and blog is there installer, but did not he had downloaded. SGM 2.1 English All-in-one file - SIGEROUS (SGM) mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Note: I'm not one of the mod's developers, my involvement has been through doing the English translations from 1.7 Geonezis on. Each mod will come with a read me that gives you any relevant info you'll need and a list of known contributors. Sigerous_Mod_2.2_Weapons_Return Game name: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat Year of release: 2012 Author - download at Torrent Room. Sigerous mod 17 torrent pc. As the SGM mod description say's at the top of the page I'm planning on uploading several versions of SGM, So far I've added the SGM 1.7 APV Hybrid, SGM 2.0 Geonezis, SGM 2.1 and SGM 2.2. I'm thinking of asking Blackbyte if it is okay to put his SGM 1.7 Blackbyte mod up as well as that was probably the most popular version of 1.7.

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