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“Scrivener Superpowers is itself a superpower and will help you unlock yours! It’s more than just a reference manual, it’s a solution to your writing problems.” It’s more than just a reference manual, it’s a solution to your writing problems.”.

I just made a test file in scrivener, then edited the.rtf files inside of the Docs folder. When I opened scrivener again all the changes were there. So it looks like it works on a basic level. Not sure how it will react if you've got a lot of annotations or some of the more advanced Scrivener features at play, so definitely make a backup just incase. As well, be careful if you have scrivener open elsewhere and it tries to write to the files while you're editing the files manually. – Dec 24 '13 at 21:28. I work on my Scrivener files outside of Scrivener (using Vim and Multimarkdown Composer) more than I do inside.

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To do so, set Scrivener to sync your project using external files (File > Sync > with External Folder) to a folder in Dropbox (or whatever syncing service you are using). I recommend setting Scrivener to automatically sync on opening and closing a project, which is an option available in the dialog when you are setting it up. Then your Scrivener documents will all be stored as individual files that you can edit at will with whatever editor suits your fancy on whatever computer/device has access to your synced files.

When you open the project, Scrivener will check and sync that folder to bring in your edits. If you add new documents to that folder, Scrivener detects them on the next sync and verifies you want to bring them into the project. They end up in your research folder until you put them in the proper place. I work primarily in Markdown, but it works fine with RTF files and RTF capable editors as well.

This is a significantly safer alternative than opening.scriv files on multiple computers.