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Similar words:  (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) wi wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wiDF Women's International Democratic Federation noun Mezhdunarodnaya demokraticheskaya federaciya zhenshin, MDFZh wiLPF Women's International League for Peace and Freedom noun Mezhdunarodnaya zhenskaya liga bor'by za mir i svobodu, MZhLMS wiMC whom it may concern noun vsem, k komu eto otnositsya, kogo eto kasaetsya wicca 1> chernaya magiya wiccan 1> otnosyashiisya k chernoi magii wick. Wicklow noun Uiklou (grafstvo v Irlandii) wiener Schnitzel 1> _nem. Shnicel' po-venski wienerwurst 1> _nem. Wigtownshire noun Uigtaunshir (grafstvo v Shotlandii) wigtown(shire) noun Uigton(shir) wild West 1> _am. 'dikii zapad' wild West 1> Dikii Zapad (o zapade SShA) _Ex: wild West film kovboiskii fil'm, vestern wilfred noun Uilfred wilfrid noun Uilfred william noun Uil'yam, Vil'yam- Vil'gel'm willy-boy, willy-boy 1> _am.

Usually, the best way to find out whether you hired the right people is to conduct a performance evaluation, and then you can rate your employees according to the conclusions derived from the appraisal process. The members of staff are often the pillars of a company, but this does not mean that every employee is a valuable asset so to speak. 20 20 cricket score sheet pdf printable. You may also see. >Employee Performance Evaluation For a company to grow, it requires the best employees.

Devchonka (o mal'chike); mamen'kin synok wilton 1> _tekst. Vil'ton (kover tipa bryussel'skogo; tzh. Wilton carpet, wilton rug) wilts noun sm. Wiltshire wilts. Wiltshire noun Uiltshir (grafstvo v Anglii) wiltshire noun Uiltshir winchester 1> vinchester (tzh. Winchester rifle) winchester disk 1> vinchesterskii disk, vinchester. Diskovoe vneshnee zapominayushee ustroistvo, v kotorom nositel' dannyh, magnitnye golovki, dvigatel' i drugie mehanicheskie komponenty pomesheny v germeticheskii kozhuh. Chajkovskij sladkaya greza.

Nazvanie proishodit ot mesta pervonachal'noi razrabotki - filial IBM v g.Vinchestere (Velikobritaniya). Vinchester obespechivaet bol'shuyu plotnost' zapisi, chem drugie ustroistva. Windhoek noun g. Vindhuk windsor 1> krasnyi ogneupornyi kirpich (tzh. Windsor brick) 2> vindzorskoe kreslo, reznoe derevyannoe kreslo (tzh. Windsor chair) 3> _bot. Konskii bob (Vicia faba) windsor bean 1> _bot.

Konskii bob (Vicia faba) winifred noun Uinifred winnie noun- dim. Of winifred Uinni winnipeg noun g.

Vinnipeg wis. Wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wisc. Wisconsin noun Viskonsin (shtat SShA) wisconsin noun Viskonsin wibble-wobble 1> _razg. Kolebat'sya, shatat'sya wibbly-wobbly 1> _razg. Koleblyushiisya, shatayushiisya; neustoichivyi wick 1> fitil' 2> _med. Tampon _Id: to get on smb.'

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S wick nadoedat', dosazhdat' komu-l. Wicked 1> (obykn. The wicked) preim. Nechestivye, nechestivcy 2> zloi, zlobnyi; porochnyi; beznravstvennyi _Ex: wicked intents durnye namereniya _Ex: war is wicked voina - eto zlo _Ex: wicked designs kovarnye zamysly 3> nehoroshii, durnoi _Ex: that is wicked of you eto nehorosho s vashei storony 4> sklonnyi k ozorstvu, prodelkam, nasmeshkam _Ex: wicked wit nasmeshlivyi um; nasmeshlivost' 5> _ust. Shalovlivyi, ozornoi (o rebenke) 6> opasnyi; nanesennyi prednamerenno (o rane i t.

P.) _Ex: wicked blow udar, ugrozhayushii zhizni; podlyi udar, udar v spinu 7> plohoi _Ex: wicked climate tyazhelyi (plohoi) klimat _Ex: wicked storm gubitel'nyi uragan _Ex: wicked weather otvratitel'naya pogoda 8> protivnyi, nepriyatnyi _Ex: wicked odour otvratitel'nyi zapah 9> svirepyi (o zhivotnom) _Ex: wicked dog zlaya sobaka 10> chrezmernyi; neobychainyi 11> preim. Greshnyi, nechestivyi _Ex: wicked world greshnyi mir _Ex: wicked thoughts greshnye mysli _Ex: the wicked one nechestivyi, d'yavol, satana wickedness 1> zloba; porok 2> durnoi postupok; zlaya vyhodka; zlodeyanie 3> _rel. Grehovnost'; greh, grehi wicker 1> _sobir. Prut'ya dlya pleteniya; ivnyak 2> _redk. Prut, loza 3> pletenie; pleten' 4> pletenka, pletenoe izdelie 5> plesti (iz prut'ev); opletat' wicker-work noun pletenie, pletenye izdeliya wickered 1> pletenyi; opletennyi wickerwork 1> pletenie, pletenka 2> _sobir. Pletenye izdeliya, osob. Korziny wicket 1> kalitka 2> (zadvizhnoe) okoshko (kassy i t.

P.) 3> turniket 4> vorotca (v krikete; _am. V krokete) 5> shlyuzy _Id: sticky wicket zatrudnitel'noe polozhenie _Id: to operate on a political wicket igrat' v politiku, vesti politicheskuyu igru wicket-door 1> kalitka 2> turniket wicket-gate 1> kalitka 2> turniket wicket-keep 1> _razg. Ohranyat' vorotca (v krikete) wicket-keeper 1> igrok, ohranyayushii vorotca (v krikete) wicking 1> material dlya fitilya wickiup 1> _am. 'vikiap' (rod vigvama) 2> _am.

Shalash; hizhina wickyup 1> _am. 'vikiap' (rod vigvama) 2> _am. Shalash; hizhina widdershins 1> _dial. Protiv dvizheniya solnca, protiv chasovoi strelki (durnaya primeta) widdy 1> _shotl.

Verevka; kanat iz ivnyaka 2> _shotl. Peren.) 3> _shotl. Osheinik; homut 4> _dial.

Vdova wide 1> prostor, shir' 2> (the wide) _sl. Ves' mir _Ex: done (whacked) to the wide pogibshii _Ex: broke to the wide bez grosha v karmane 3> shirokii; ot kraya do kraya _Ex: wide road shirokaya doroga 4> imeyushii takuyu-to shirinu _Ex: three feet wide shirinoi v tri futa 5> obshirnyi, prostrannyi; shirokii po ohvatu; ogromnyi _Ex: wide area obshirnyi raion _Ex: wide knowledge obshirnye poznaniya _Ex: wide interests shirokie interesy _Ex: wide difference ogromnaya raznica, glubokoe razlichie _Ex: the wide world ves' mir _Ex: a wide public shirokaya obshestvennost' 6> _dial. Prostornyi (ob odezhde) _Ex: wide coat shirokoe (svobodnoe) pal'to 7> shiroko otkrytyi _Ex: to stare with wide eyes smotret' shiroko raskrytymi glazami _Ex: the door was wide dver' byla raspahnuta nastezh' _Ex: wide to the world otkrytyi vsemu miru 8> (of) dalekii (ot chego-l.); otklonyayushiisya _Ex: wide of the mark mimo celi; nepravil'no; ne po sushestvu; neumestno, nekstati _Ex: this is wide of the truth eto daleko ot istiny _Ex: views wide of ours vzglyady, rezko otlichayushiesya ot nashih 9> _sl. Hitryi, lovkii; sebe na ume _Ex: wide fellow lovkach 10> _sl.