FIELD: biorecovery of domestic and agricultural sewages. SUBSTANCE: plant can be used also in gold mines for extraction of gold. Biorecovery of sewage is designed to provide vital activity of aerobes using physically active components (enzymes, vitamins, microelements, nucleonic acids, etc) required for biological leaching of gold. To prepare aerobes for biological leaching they are subjected to treatment by ultraviolet radiation in mutagenesis chamber with walls transparent for light. Gold is extracted in pile sprinkled by substrate with suspended aerobiostimutants.

To feed aerobes with oxygen, pile is blow through with air through aeration channels. Pile is provided with heat insulation made of mineral wool and layer of urea resin- based polymeric foam of thickness from 3 to 50 mm, depending on climatic region of operation of biorecovery plant.

Biological leaching is carried out at stable temperature of order of 36 C at temperature variations not exceeding one degree a day. To provide thermostatic control of biological leaching process, sprinkling solution is circulated through heat pump ensuring heating of solution at handling. Dispersing with cyanidation cuts down capital and operating expenses, improved ecological conditions in area of gold-extracting enterprises, makes it possible to extract gold from low-grade deposits, spoil heaps of previous mining and carry out all-year round mining in regions where ambient temperatures are low. EFFECT: enlarged operating capabilities.

1 dwg Description Translated from Russian.

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