Pandaren Brewmaster Race Faction Neutral Statistics Hit points 650 (1325 *) Hit point regeneration Always Hit point regeneration rate 1.35 (2.70 *) HP/sec. Mana 225 (420 *) Mana Regeneration rate 0.76 (1.44 *) Mana/sec. Unit Type Hero Level Gold 425 Lumber 135 Food 5 Produced at Requires Altar Hotkey N Combat Weapon(s) Beer barrel & staff Normal attack: 29 (56 *) avg Can attack: Ground Range Melee Attack type Cooldown 1.94 (1.67 *) sec. Weapon type Normal Armor Type Hero Defense Type Flesh Armor 3 (7 *) Day Sight 180 Night Sight 80 Movement Speed Average (270) Sound Sound Set Hero Parameters Primary Attribute Strength 22 (+3/level) Agility 14 (+1.5/level) Intelligence 15 (+1.5/level). This article or section contains taken from,, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Hailing from the secretive, the mighty travel the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits. These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble, preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them. However, if attacked, the laughing brewmasters bring all of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear!

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They even bring their beer to war! They are peerless and world class all in one! A warrior Hero, the brewmasters of have emerged from the bamboo forests of their ancestors to bring their unique fighting style (and robust ales) to the highest bidder. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Hero names Mojo Dark-Ale, Sinjo Honeybrew, Kesha Wildbarley, Tatsa Sweetbarrow, Mushi Ale-Hearth, Jinto Reedwine, Masha Storm-Stout, and Polo Barrel-keg.

Note: These are 'random hero' names from Warcraft III (Pandaren Brewmaster). Although, several of the names are partially referenced in Dark Factions. Information A warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. The Brewmasters of Pandaria have emerged from the bamboo forests of their ancestors to bring their unique fighting style (and robust ales) to the highest bidder. Attacks land units.

The Pandaren Brewmaster is an excellent melee hero! He has several area effecting spells to take down groups of enemy troops and his ultimate is certainly one of the funniest spells in the game. His basic combo is to cast Drunken Haze on the enemy to douse them, and then set them on fire with Breath of Fire.

He also has the Drunken Brawler Passive skill which gives him a chance to avoid enemy attacks as well as a chance to deal bonus damage. His Ultimate splits him into three elemental pandas, each with their own powers. The Panda is a Strength hero, and because of that he doesn’t have a large amount of mana.

Until 5th level he won’t have enough mana to do two consecutive Drunken Haze/Breath of Fire combos! Unless the Panda has access to extra mana, through Archmage’s Brilliance Aura or Obsidian Statue’s Spirit Touch for example, it’s probably best to pick either Drunken Haze or Breath of Fire and spend the other points on Drunken Brawler. The Panda is a versatile hero, because of this he benefits from a wide variety of items. Circlets of Nobility are a great buy for Panda. The extra damage, extra mana, and extra attack speed given by Circlets of Nobility are all things that Mr. Panda needs very much.

Gloves of Haste are good as well because more attacks mean a greater chance to get a Critical Strike with Drunken Brawler. Mana potions are an obvious choice also, especially if you have points in both of his area effect spells. Spells and abilities Breath of Fire. Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets 5 sec.

70 37.5 30 Air, Ground, Structure Level Effect Hero Level Req 1 65 initial damage, 7 damage/sec. Tv serial bengali. 1 2 125 initial damage, 14 damage/sec.

3 3 170 initial damage, 21 damage/sec. 5 Breath of Fire damage is capped to 8 targets. This does not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Beath of Fire / Drunken Haze Combination. Cast Drunken Haze on a powerful unit, then use Breath of Fire to ignite them. Remember that the burn-over-time damage on Drunken Hazed enemies effectively doubles the damage of the spell. Due to this and due to the two spells costing the same amount of mana, it is almost always advantageous to cast Drunken Haze on the enemy and then using Breath of Fire.