A 401 Unauthorized error means the page you were trying to see needs a valid user ID/password before you can view it. Here are some methods to try.

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K N Sharma 23-Aug-16 4:07 23-Aug-16 4:07 Dear Sir, Thanks for providing the article. This is good and simple to read. But i need to ask a question regarding the scope of values stored in app setting keys in multiple user environment. If two users are online and one user modify the values, will the second user will get this modification or not.

What are those settings by which we can allow and disallow to get this modification to specified or all user. Hope you got my question. Actual i was asked a question related to this in a interview session. I forgot correct question asked. Blpandya 9-Oct-14 20:21 9-Oct-14 20:21 Hi, In web.config there is a section called system.servicemodel in which we put endpoints and bindings for connecting to WCF layer. Can you help me edit that progamatically using C#, Below is the section given where we need to edit the endpoint addresses. (( )) It would be a great help if you can.

Regards Bhargav L Pandya.

Professional midi files. • iTextSharp DLL: (Required) I am assuming that you downloaded itextsharp-all-5.5.7.zip You need the itextsharp.dll that is stored in itextsharp-dll-core.zip • PDF/A, PDF/UA, ZUGFeRD DLL: (Optional) If you want to produce PDF/A or PDF/UA or ZUGFeRD PDFs rather than plain old PDFs, then you also need itextsharp.pdfa.dll from itextsharp-dll-pdfa.zip. I would highly recommend making your PDFs at least accessible for the blind and the visually impaired. Most developer just don't care about PDF/UA and that's problematic. • XML Worker: (Required) Since you want to convert HTML to PDF, you also need to download XML Worker: itextsharp.xmlworker-all-5.5.7.zip. In this zip, you'll find itextsharp-dll-xmlworker.zip. You need itextsharp.xmlworker.dll because that's where you'll find all the XML Worker classes.