You can nag me here if I forget anything You can nag me here if I forget anything, or if you would just like to leave some comments. ~Kelin Add Your Comments After you submit your comments, you will need to reload this page with your browser in order to see your additions to the log. Date: 9/25/2003 Time: 11:29:47 PM Remote User: Comments I know I have a lot more pictures to post, I just spent an hour making a page, and my network crashed, I'll finish it in the morning, I'm still really worn out from the trip heheheheh ~Kelin Date: 9/27/2003 Time: 2:51:01 PM Remote User: Comments Kelin, This was great. I am still laughting. You definately captured the elation, and a few other things!
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Makalah tentang serial ports. I will be back in Cozumel in December but, it just won't be the same. Say hello to the other Oregon Brother and Alaska Jack for me. Denise Date: 9/27/2003 Time: 5:03:36 PM Remote User: Comments kelin these a Date: 9/27/2003 Time: 5:06:01 PM Remote User: Comments kelin these are great Kyle & Mesja Send me a copy of the special Senior Frog photos because I'm married now and need the excitement. Ha ha Kyle Date: 9/27/2003 Time: 9:01:25 PM Remote User: Comments Oh, my parents will be so proud:) You did a great job on the comments, I am roaring!
Mesja Date: 9/29/2003 Time: 5:51:44 PM Remote User: Comments Hehe I laugh and get into a good humor every time I see them, you all were such great company and made the dive class the highlight of our trip. I'm glad we got to spend some off time together too, those were truely a pleasure. I hope we didn't get the staff into too much trouble -Kelin PS if theres anything you want sent specialy or sized etc, drop me a email is active, I just opened before the trip, so I am still setting things up here. Date: 9/29/2003 Time: 8:04:26 PM Remote User: Comments Hey Kelin this is Faust! Where the hell are you?
-se-s-isplatom-1-5-milijarda-kuna-za-vise-od-100-000-hrvatskih-poljoprivrednika 0.5.
I'm gonna hunt you down and unleash my polar bears on you! Date: 9/30/2003 Time: 1:15:01 AM Remote User: Comments Your a sick man faust =) good to hear from you bro, I somehow knew you would track me down =)Damn canadians! I hear you moved back east? Give me a call bro, I gave spartan my phone number. Date: 10/1/2003 Time: 1:53:27 PM Remote User: Comments Hi friends, this is Kris (other Oregon Bro) Thanks for the Hello Denise.
Just got done viewing the Dive pages. Indeed,like Kelin had said, the Dive class was memorable and I'm thankful for the fun Photos we have to share. Already we are planning to finish our Dive certification next year though it is still early from this Wild trip to think about next spring.