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MySQL is by far the most popular database management system for small- to medium-sized web projects. In this course, Bill Weinman provides clear, concise tutorials that guide you through creating and maintaining a MySQL database of your own. Bill explores the basic syntax, using SQL statements to create, insert, update, and delete data from your tables. He also covers creating a new database from scratch, as well as data types, transactions, subselects, views, and stored routines. Plus, learn about the multi-platform PHP PDO interface that will help you connect your database to web applications. [Voiceover] Hi, I'm Bill Weinman, and welcome to MySQL Essential Training.

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We'll start with the basic syntax of SQL as it's implemented by MySQL. I'll explain how to use the SELECT statement and how to create, update, and delete data from your tables. I'll show you specifically where the MySQL version of SQL differs from the standard, and how to get the most out of MySQL's specific dialect.

I'll cover creating and deleting databases, data types, transactions, subselects, views, and stored routines. And finally, I'll show you a full working CRED application. CRED is an acronym for create, read, update and delete.

MySQL is one of the most widely deployed database management systems in the world. Understanding MySQL will serve you well in your database applications, so let's get started with MySQL Essential Training.

PHP is a popular programming language that you can use to write simple code for web pages. If you have been using HTML to develop websites, learning PHP will allow you to create dynamic pages. In this course, learn the fundamentals of PHP. Kevin Skoglund covers concepts such as how to embed PHP code into an HTML page, and reviews the basic PHP data types such as strings and arrays. He also covers the different control structures in PHP, how to work with built-in PHP functions, and how to define your own custom functions.

Instructor •. Kevin Skoglund builds custom web solutions at Nova Fabrica, and teaches web development to others at

Kevin Skoglund is the founder of, a web development agency specialized in delivering custom, scalable solutions using Ruby on Rails, PHP, SQL, and related technologies. Nova Fabrica clients include An Event Apart, Atlas Carpet Mills, Consulate Film, Gregorius Pineo, Maharam, Oakley, and The Bold Italic. Kevin is a author with over 15 years of teaching and web development experience. By: Kevin Skoglund course • 5h 51m 46s • 38,475 viewers • Course Transcript - [Kevin] Welcome to PHP Essential Training. My name is Kevin Skoglund. PHP allows writing simple code for webpages.

If you've been using HTML to develop websites, PHP is a great next step. In this course, we're going to focus on learning the fundamentals of the PHP language. We will learn how to embed PHP code into an HTML page to output dynamic text. We will review the basic PHP data types, such as variables, strings, and arrays. Then we will learn about the different control structures in PHP, such as logical expressions and loops, which give us control over how our code executes.

We will cover many of PHP's built-in functions but also learn to define our own custom functions. By the end of this course, you'll have the basics you need to start adding PHP code to your webpages. Let's get started learning PHP. • Practice while you learn with exercise files. Watch this course anytime, anywhere. Course Contents • Introduction Introduction • • • • 1. PHP Overview 1.

PHP Overview • • • • 2. First Steps 2. First Steps • • • • • 3. Explore Data Types 3. Explore Data Types • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. Control Structures: Logical Expressions 4.

Control Structures: Logical Expressions • • • • • 5. Control Structures: Loops 5. Control Structures: Loops • • • • • • • 6. User-Defined Functions 6. Sitekey.

User-Defined Functions • • • • • • • 7. Debug • • • • Conclusion Conclusion •.