Photoshop:: Missing Plugin And Extension After Install - Corel Knockout 2 Jan 11, 2009 I am using CS4 64 bit. I just installed Corel knockout 2 and the extra goodies from the install cd to get the exclude filter. Neither of them are visible after the install.

Nov 20, 2013 - Corel KnockOut 2 with psp X6 Ultimate. Is this product available for psp X6 or is it simply a specialised plug-in for Photoshop?

Has anyone successfully installed these using CS4? Similar Messages: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADVERTISEMENT Apr 25, 2012 I am trying to install a plug-in from PSKiss to Photoshop CS5 (version 12.0.4). I'm using Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5, and I'm running Windows 7 on my laptop. Although I'm following up with PSKiss to see if there's a problem at this end, I also see an issue with Adobe Extension Manager. When I open it, the Install button is grayed-out.

I can see neither of the plug-ins I've already installed in Photoshop, nor can I install anything new. I am running Adobe Extension Manager as Administrator. Also, yes, I'm using my laptop with an Administrator account. May 18, 2005 HiCorel Knockout. I've heard that version 2 can only be installed as a plug-in, whereas version 1 was stand alone. I've read that the advantage of the stand alone version is that it doesn't affect memory in the same way the plug-in would when installed in Photoshop.

Just wondered whever there is a huge difference in actual extracting performance between the versions, and whever stand alone versus plug-in is relevent. May 18, 2011 I want to know what the best and quickest method would be to knockout images of people from a background?

I've heard CS5 has a built in tool for this. I've also heard the plug in 'Knockout 2' from Corel is useful.

So what is the best tool to use? Also, is the plug-in 'Knockout 2' designed for CS5?or only earlier versions of PhotoShop? Oct 27, 2013 If I enable Suitcase Fusion 5's auto-activation plug-in for Photoshop CC, the app crashes on launch.


If I disable it, Photoshop launches, and performs, normally. The Extensis plug-ins for InDesign and Illustrator work without issue. I've contacted Extensis. Shabloni dlya lepbukov. My software and OS are all current; I'm using a 17-inch, mid-2009 MacBook Pro with Processor: 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory: 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, and Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 512 MB.

I leave the plug-in deactivated and simply open fonts manually, but I'd really like the Extensis plug-in to work as expected. Desperate for a solution, or at least an understanding of the incompatiblity.

Jul 28, 2013 I have PsCC installed and running OK as trial, before I activate paid version, to verify it works OK for me. I tried to install an extension.zxp made for PsCC but extension manager warns me I need to have ver. 14.0 or greater (which I have) to install the panel, so it does nothing. I tried an update to extension manager but it is up to date.So, will PsCC trial not accept an extension.zxp? Or do I need a different installer? Or how do I install the PsCC.zxp other than dbl clicking on it? May 5, 2013 I have a finished plugin (dll-A), which works well.Now I want to write an extension for it (dll B).The function in the expansion are so special that I do not in want to integrate the finished plugin (dll A).I bind the dll to the plugin (dll-A) into the new dll of the plugin (dll B) and inherit the plugin class (class A) in the plugin class (class B).Is loaded by the netload (dll B).

Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception: eDuplicateKey bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Interop.Check(Int32 returnValue) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandClass.AddCommand(ICommandLineCallable ca, MethodInfo mi) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.AutoCADApplicationHolder.Initialize(Assembly assembly) bei Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ExtensionLoader.ProcessAssembly(Assembly assembly) Exist in both dll's no duplicate commands! On debugging looks as if autocad load first dll-A and than load dll-B. Can it be that the (dll-A) is loaded twice? Sep 3, 2012 I have a Subscription and the file 'is' available to me in my Subscription account online.