Bližnje mesto, Koordinati Površina 814 akrov (329 ha) Zgrajeno 1942 ( 1942) Obiskovalci 81,344 (2007) NRHP reference # CHISL # 850 LAHCM # 160 Pomembnejši datumi Vpisano v NRHP July 30, 1976 Razglasitev NHL February 4, 1985 Razglasitev NHS March 3, 1992 Razglasitev CHISL 1972 Razglasitev LAHCM September 15, 1976 Designations [ ] name — The NRHP listing name, preferably the exact name listed on the Register, although we turn around names that have been reordered for alphabetization purposes, such as 'Smith, John, House'. This does not have to match the name of the article.
If the article name is different, then this name should also be included with bold text in the lead. Example format — name = Manzanar War Relocation Center.
Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let. We prepare all the required paperwork for project execution, organise the construction site, handle and organise the subcontractors. Veliki i chudni dela tvoi noti dlya fortepiano. Our servicesContact us.
Added — Date that the NRHP was added to the register. Example format — added = July 30, 1976. Nrhp_type — Type of historic place (as defined by the ). Setting any value to this causes a bar to be shown across the top of the infobox with that designation and its standard color. Former designations grey out the bar and add the word 'Former.'
Language: Slovenian Work type: Bachelor thesis/paper (mb11) Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis Organization: FF - Faculty of Arts Abstract: Diplomska naloga se posveča sakralni arhitekturi 19. Podrobneje opisuje opus enega izmed pomembnejših arhitektov tega obdobja – Friedricha barona Schmidta. Glavna tema je njegovo delovanje na Slovenskem, na Bledu in v Kočevju, kjer je načrtoval dve izmed pomembnejših historističnih cerkva pri nas.
Naloga podaja pogled v zgodovino nastanka obeh cerkva, njun arhitekturni opis, umestitev v arhitektov opus, umestitev v arhitekturo 19. Stoletja na Slovenskem in tudi primerjavo obeh cerkva z eno izmed preostalih Schmidtovih zgradb. Naloga prav tako ponuja vpogled v njegovo življenje ter pregled njegovega opusa. Izpostavljeni so le določeni projekti, s katerimi smo skušali zaokrožiti arhitektov opus. Friedrich baron Schmidt je bil pomembna osebnost tudi v vlogi učitelja, svoje arhitekturno znanje je delil z velikim številom arhitektov mlajših generacij, ki so bili prav tako pomembni za arhitekturo 19. Stoletja, tako v Evropi kot tudi na Slovenskem.
V nalogi je omenjenih le nekaj. Keywords:,,,, Year of publishing: 2017 Publisher: [U. Gačnik] Source: Maribor UDC: 726(497.4)'18'(043.2) COBISS_ID: License: This work is available under this license: Views: 322 Downloads: 36 Metadata: Categories:. Hover the mouse pointer over a document title to show the abstract or click on the title to get all document metadata. Secondary language Language: English Title: Friedrich baron Schmidt and sacred architecture of 19th century on Slovenian ground Abstract: The bachelor thesis tries to provide insight into the sacred architecture of the 19th century. It focuses on one of the most important architects of this period – Friedrich Baron Schmidt.